Curriculum Vitae — Updated January 2023

Rangar H. Cline

  • Associate Professor
  • Department of Religious Studies
  • The University of Oklahoma
  • 146 Robertson Hall
  • Norman, OK 73019 USA


  • Ph.D. History (ancient), The Pennsylvania State University, Fall 2005. Advisor: Paul B. Harvey, Jr.
  • Regular Member and Fulbright Fellow: American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 2000-2001.
  • M.A. History, The Pennsylvania State University, 2000. 
  • B.A. History, Oklahoma State University, 1997.

Academic Appointments:

  • Associate Professor, Religious Studies Department, University of Oklahoma (2017 to present).
  • Acting Department Chair, Department of Religious Studies, University of Oklahoma (Oct. 2020-May 2021).
  • NEH Fellow, Albright Institute for Archaeological Research, Jerusalem (2017-2018).
  • Assistant Professor, Religious Studies Program, University of Oklahoma (2011-2017).
  • Affiliate Faculty in History, University of Oklahoma (2016-present).
  • Affiliate Faculty in Judaic Studies, University of Oklahoma, (2014-present).
  • Research Team Member, Jezreel Valley Regional Project, Israel (2013 – present). 
  • Assistant Director, Vicus ad Martis Excavations, Italy (2010-2011). 
  • Lecturer, Department of History and Religious Studies Program, University of         Oklahoma (2007-2011)
  • Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Classics, Furman University (2006-2007).
  • Director, Summer Latin Program, Pennsylvania State University (2006).
  • Adjunct Professor, Department of Religion and Department of Classics, Furman University (2005-2006).
  • Instructor, Classics in Rome Summer Program, Pennsylvania State University (2005, 2003).
  • Pre-Doctoral Lecturer, Department of Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies, Pennsylvania State University (2003-2005).
  • Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of History and Department of Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies, Pennsylvania State University (1997-2002).


  • “Valentinian III’s Novel 23: Pilfering Priests, Religious Sensibilities, and Power Dynamics in Mid-5th Century Rome,” in Fide non Ficta: Essays in Honor of Paul B. Harvey, jr., John Muccigrosso and Celia Schultz, eds.(Pavia: Athenaeum, 2020).
  • “Water and Proof in Early Christian Pilgrimage Narratives” in Pilgrimage to Jerusalem: Christians, Jews, Muslims. Byzanz zwischen Orient und Okzident (Jerusalem and Mainz: Yad Ben Zvi, 2020).
  • “Amulets and the Ritual Efficacy of Christian Symbols,” in Oxford Handbook of Christian Archaeology (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019) pp. 351-368. 
  • Co-author with J. Muccigrosso et al. “The 2011 Excavation Season at the Vicus ad Martis Tudertium (PG)” Journal of Fasti Online 327:1-12 (2015).
  • “A Two-Sided Mold and the Entrepreneurial Spirit of Pilgrimage Souvenir Production in Late Antique Syria-Palestine,” Journal of Late Antiquity 7:28-48 (2014). 
  • “Archangels, Amulets, and the Defense of Late Antique Miletus,” Journal of Late Antiquity 4: 55-78 (2011). 
  • Ancient Angels: Conceptualizing Angeloi in the Roman Empire (Leiden: Brill Press, 2011).

Current Projects

Signs and Wonders: Religious Travel to Proof of the Holy in Roman and Late Antiquity

Holy Place Objects in Roman and Late Antiquity

Reviews and Encyclopedia Entries

  • “Review of Naomi Klein, Augustine’s Theology of Angels,Journal of Early Christian Studies 27, 2019.
  • “Review of John Charles Arnold, The Footprints of Michael the ArchangelThe Medieval Review, 14.08.02 (2014). 
  • “Review of Ellen Muehlberger, Angels in Late Ancient Christianity Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2013.10.16. (2013). 
  • “Jewish Angels,” in R. Bagnall et al, eds., The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Ancient History, 2012.
  • “The Chaldean Oracles,” in R. Bagnall et al, eds., The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Ancient History, 2012.
  • “The Sibylline Oracles,” in R. Bagnall et al, eds., The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Ancient History, 2012.
  • “Trade and Commerce – NT” in The New International Dictionary of the Bible Vol. 5 (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2009) 640-642. 
  • “Review of Gideon Bohak, Ancient Jewish Magic: A History,” Bryn Mawr Medieval Review – November 2009. 
  • “Review of Naomi Janowitz, Icons of Power: Ritual Practices in Late Antiquity,” The Historian 66 (2004) 879-880.

Presentations and Interviews

  • “Pilgrimage Souvenirs and ArcGIS” on OUAH.FM’s podcast “Staying with the Question: Maps”, forthcoming spring 2023.
  • “There a Church Has Now Been Built”: Monument, Memory, and Authenticity at Early Christian Pilgrimage Sites. American Schools of Overseas Research Annual Meeting (November 17, 2022).
  • “Cross, Menorah, or Caliph? Local Demands for Mold-Blown Glass Vessels in Late Antique Palestine: Art Historical Approaches to the Near East,” American Schools of Overseas Research Annual Meeting, Virtual. (December 11, 2021). Virtual Presentation and Discussion.
  • “The Production, Movement, and use of Eulogia Tokens: The Examples from Bet She’an,” Society for Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, San Antonio. (November 22, 2021).
  • “Cross, Menorah, or Caliph? Local Demands for Mold-Blown Glass Vessels in Late Antique Palestine: Archaeology of Byzantine Near East,” American Society of Overseas Research Annual Meeting, Chicago. (November 20, 2021).
  • “An Exploration of the Archaeology of Jerusalem,” Invited Presentation for the Oklahoma Alliance for Geographic Education (January 11, 2021).
  • “Eulogia in Motion: GIS Modelling of the Distribution Patterns of Late Antique Pilgrimage Souvenirs,” National Association of Patristic Studies, Virtual. (May27, 2021). Virtual Presentation and Discussion.
  • “Mapping Holy Land Pilgrimage Souvenirs: Production, Movement, Function,” Virtual ASOR Annual Meeting. November 2020.
  • Arts and Humanities Forum Workshop, “Mapping Holy Land Pilgrimage Souvenirs,” University of Oklahoma Arts and Humanities Forum, Norman OK. February 2020.
  • “Sacred Cities of the Roman Empire: Pilgrimage to Rome and Jerusalem” Organizer for Panel Presentation by Hagith Sivan and Dennis Trout. University of Oklahoma Arts and Humanities Forum. October, 2019.
  • “Priceless: The Production and Movement of Christian Loca Sancta Souvenirs,” Delivered at the Society of Biblical Literature International Meeting. Rome, Italy. July, 2019. 
  • “Water and Proof in Early Christian Pilgrimage Narratives.” Delivered at Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting. Denver, CO. November, 2018.
  • “Religious Travel and Evidence of the Holy Places in Late Antiquity.” Delivered at JUST Lunch Lecture Series, Sponsored by the Schusterman Center for Judaic and Israel Studies at the University of Oklahoma. October, 2018.
  • “Valentinian III’s Novel 23: Pilfering Priests, Religious Sensibilities, and Power Dynamics in Mid-Fifth Century Rome.” Delivered at “Fide non ficta: A Conference in Memory of Paul B. Harvey, Jr.” at the Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA. April, 2018.
  • “The Authentication of Holy Sites in Christian Pilgrimage Narratives, ca. 300-600 CE” Albright Institute for Archaeological Research, Jerusalem. February 2018.
  • “Water and Proof in Early Christian Pilgrimage Narratives,” Pilgrimage to Jerusalem: Christians, Jews, Muslims, hosted by Yad Ben Zvi, Jerusalem, December 2017.
  • “Pilgrimage Souvenirs and the Authenticity of Pilgrimage,” North American Patristics Society Annual Meeting, May 2017.
  • “Soul, Body, and Afterlife in Late Roman Mortuary Law,” North American Patristics Society Annual Meeting, May 2016. 
  • “Report on the 2011 Excavations at Vicus Ad Martis Tudertium,” Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America, January 2012.
  • “Miletus Wears a Magical Amulet: CIG 2.2895 and the Civic Use of Personal Magic,” Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America, January 2008.
  • “What Shocked Eutropia?  Idolatrous Rituals and Christianization
  • at Mamre,” Byzantine Studies Conference, Oct. 2007.
  •  “Angelous Onomazein: Angel Invocation and Christian Authority in Late Antiquity,” American Philological Association Annual Meeting, Jan. 2005.
  •  “Christian Authority and Angel Veneration: the Synod of Laodicaea and the Prohibition of Extra-Ecclesiastical Angel Invocation,” Byzantine Studies Conference, Oct. 2004.
  • “Angels of the Tomb: The Case of the Theran Grave Stelae,” Institute for the Arts and –Humanities.  Penn State University, Sept. 2004.
  • “Perceptions of Decline and Progress among Late Antique Desert Ascetics,” Bryn Mawr Graduate Symposium Decline: All Good Things Must Come to an End? Oct. 1999.

Grants, Awards and Fellowships

  • Arts and Humanities Faculty Forum Fellowship (University of Oklahoma) 2018-2019.
  • National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship at the Albright Institute for Archaeological Research, Jerusalem. 2017-2018. 
  • Junior Faculty Fellowship (College of Arts and Sciences, University of Oklahoma) 2015, 2016.
  • Junior Faculty Fellowship (Office of Vice President for Research, University of Oklahoma) 2014.
  • Faculty Enrichment Grant (University of Oklahoma) 2012.
  • Faculty Enrichment Grant (University of Oklahoma) 2011.
  • College of Arts and Sciences Course Development Grant (University of Oklahoma) 2010. 
  • Faculty Enrichment Grant (University of Oklahoma) 2007.
  • Research and Graduate Studies Office Dissertation Writing Grant (Pennsylvania State University) 2004.
  • Institute for the Arts and Humanities Graduate Student Summer Residency Fellowship (Pennsylvania State University) 2004.
  • Hill Fellowship, 2003. Associate Member, American School of Classical Studies at Athens. 
  • Fulbright Fellowship, Greece.  Regular Member, American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 2000-2001.
  • Saligman Award (Pennsylvania State University) 1998.
  • American Institute of Archaeology Matson Student Membership Award (Pennsylvania State University) 1998.
  • Bailey Family Memorial Trust Fellowship (Oklahoma State University) 1996-1997.

Archaeological Fieldwork

  • Area Supervisor, Huqoq Excavations (2022).
  • Cleaning, Preservation, and Recording of Excavated Material. Panakton Project (2022).
  • Area Supervisor, Legio Excavations (2017).
  • Field Archaeologist, Legio Excavations (2015, 2019), Megiddo Expedition (2014, 2016).   
  • Teaching Faculty with Jezreel Valley Regional Project, Israel (2014-2019).
  • Assistant Director of Excavations at Vicus ad Martis Tudertium, Italy (2010-11).
  • Trench supervisor at Corinth Excavations, Greece (2001). American School of Classical Studies. Director: Guy Sanders.
  • Panakton Project, Greece (1999). The Pennsylvania State University.  Recorded and analyzed small finds; recorded the floor plans of domestic structures.  Directors: Mark Munn and Sharon Gerstel.
  • Trench supervisor for Megiddo Expedition, Israel (1998). Tel Aviv University and the Pennsylvania State University. Directors: David Ussishkin, Israel Finkelstein, and Baruch Halpern. Summer 1998.
  • Isthmia Excavations, Greece (1996). Ohio State University. Archaeological field school: assisted in preservation of Roman-era mosaics.  Directors: Timothy Gregory and Richard Rothaus. 


  • Religious Studies Capstone – Pilgrimage (University of Oklahoma)
  • Archaeology of the Lands of the Bible (University of Oklahoma)
  • Roman Religion (University of Oklahoma)
  • Greek Religion (University of Oklahoma)
  • Introduction to Biblical Literature (University of Oklahoma, Furman University)
  • Introduction to Comparative Religion (University of Oklahoma)
  • Early Church Fathers (University of Oklahoma)
  • Introduction to Religious Studies (University of Oklahoma)
  • Roman Republic (University of Oklahoma)
  • -Roman Empire (University of Oklahoma)
  • Greek and Roman Religion (University of Oklahoma)
  • Greek and Roman Civilization (University of Oklahoma)
  • Classical Mythology (University of Oklahoma, Furman University)
  • Greek Civilization (Penn State University)
  • History of the Modern Era (Furman University)
  • Intermediate Greek (Furman University)
  • Intensive Latin (Summer Language Institute, Penn State University)

Study Abroad

  • Huqoq Excavation Project, Israel. – 2022
  • Jezreel Valley Regional Project, Israel. – 2014-2017.
  • Archaeological Field School (Drew University) – Vicus ad Martis, Italy – 2010, 2011.
  • Penn State University: Department of Classics and Ancient Mediterranean – Studies’ Rome Program – 2003, 2005.

Graduate Student Advisees

  • Thomas Gruber.  Outside committee member for Ph.D. in Anthropology, 2014-2015.  Dr. Gruber successfully defended his dissertation in Spring 2015.
  • Shawn Lambert.  Outside committee member of Ph.D. in Anthropology, 2014-2018.
  • Allison Livesay. Outside committee member for Ph.D. in Anthropology, 2013-2016. Dr. Livesay successfully defended her dissertation in 2016. 
  • Paige Ford. Outside committee member for Ph.D. in Anthropology. 2018-2022. Dr. Ford successfully defended her dissertation in 2022
  • Jesse Nowak. Outside committee member for Ph.D. in Anthropology. 2019-present
  • Andrew Krug. Outside committee member for Ph.D. in Anthropology. 2019 -present.


  • National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH): Reserve Consultant for Fellowship Programs at Independent Research Institutions (FPIRI) program: American Center of Research (Amman, Jordan), 2022.
  • National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH): Summer Fellowship Review Committee, University of Oklahoma, 2020.
  • Education Abroad Advisory Committee, University of Oklahoma, 2019-present
  • Provost’s Academic Program Review Committee, University of Oklahoma, 2018-2019
  • College of Arts and Sciences IT Committee, University of Oklahoma 2018-2020
  • Committee A (Executive Committee), Department of Religious Studies, University of Oklahoma, 2018-2020; 2021-
  • Department of Religious Studies Student Awards Committee Chair, 2019.
  • Schusterman Study in Israel Scholarship Committee, Judaic Studies Program, University of Oklahoma, 2019-2022.
  • Outside Ph.D. Committee Member, Department of Anthropology, University of Oklahoma, 2013-Present.
  • Library Representative, Religious Studies Program, University of Oklahoma, 2013-present.
  • Jezreel Valley Regional Project, Research Team Member, 2014-present.
  • Study Abroad Program Leader for Jezreel Valley Regional Project, Israel.  University of Oklahoma, 2013-2017.
  • Member of Italy Committee. International Programs, University of Oklahoma —       2009-present
  • Historic District Commission. City of Norman, Oklahoma. 2009-2014. 
  • Directed readings for Graduate Students, University of Oklahoma. 2011-present. 
  • Reviewer for Journal of Late Antiquity, Oxford University Press, University of Wales Press.


Reading: Greek, Latin, German, French, English, Italian, Modern Greek, Russian

-Spoken: English, Modern Greek, French, Italian. 

Professional Memeberships

  • American Schools of Overseas Research
  • Society of Biblical Literature
  • Archaeological Institute of America
  • North American Patristics Society  
  • American School of Classical Studies Alumni Association
  • Society for Ancient Mediterranean Religions